Thursday, July 21, 2011

Living Like It's Your Last Day

Alright, So I've been thinking about this a lot.... What does it mean. I kinda take from it that it means be super outgoing. But the problem with that is that on July 29th, I'm going to Young Life Camp in New York and oh my goodness! There is so much to do! And it's scary things. I used to be an adrenalin junkie, but now, I'm a scaredy-cat! I hate it. But I'm not sure how to overcome a fear. I want to before I die, but what if the thing I do kills me. haha. Idk, Just a thought.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Facebook Page :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Catching Up

I know I haven't posted anything in days... I have been quite busy watching all the 7 Harry Potter films and making t-shirts with my sisters that we're going to wear to the midnight showing of Harry Potter 7 part 2 :) Not gonna lie, I'm pretty pumped.
Alright, So today, I got hit by a car. I was riding my bike with a couple friends and we were on our way home from the 9 mile marker and a guy hit me while i was crossing the street. He had the right-of-way but really? I mean use your peripherals buddy! My friend crossed literally riight in front of me and you didn't feel like slowing down for me? Not the best move on his part. and I got 100% full blame for it. yes, it was completely my fault for getting hit by an SUV. Thank You so much policeman!
So not the best day. But I went to this thing going on at my church for the week called Totus Tuus and I learned that really the only person who stays by your side and backs you up no matter what and stays there even when you're wrong is Christ. I mean i came home and told my family what happened to me on the bike and my sister was like "serves you right"... Hey thanks family member, But i got Jesus on my side so I win! :P haha At least someone is there for me whenever I need someone!
ahh. Try learning about Him. You can never learn enough. I really do wish I was stronger in my faith and i knew more facts. I can hardly back myself up ever. It's a flaw I have that i really want to fix. Starting now, I'm working on that. :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

What to do, What to do.

Ahh. Summer. Time to relax and enjoy life! That is so true. Sleep for hours, go outside! Make yourself an adventure, go outside! Hang out with friends, Go outside!!! Staying on the computer for hours on end is not a way to spend summer. Of course this is coming from me who spends hours on Facebook and Youtube. I have realized there is always something to do! There's always something. So make something of your summer. and Make something of your life. Set a goal and achieve it! You can do anything you set your mind to! :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Do What you Feel Comfortable With

In high school, many people do things to follow their group of friends just so they can stay friends. This can even follow you into your adult life if you carry on with that. I don't know too many people who want to be followers, but if you are one of them, please let me ask you this question: why? Why would you want to stay "friends" with these kind of people and why would you want to follow what everyone else is doing?
Each of us have different talents and look different and have different feelings. We are not messed up because we're not like "everyone else" because there is no such thing as everyone else. No one is the same.
This year, I thought I was messed up because I had trouble remembering things and I basically drowned myself with thoughts. I realized that forgetting and thinking too much were shared with many of my friends. They just didn't make it known and worried about other important things. The advice I got was just write things down and I realized that pretty much everyone does that. No big deal.
Your "flaws" can be flaws to you, but to others, make you more beautiful and unique. Embrace them! The "flaws" or characteristics that you can't change unless you get a surgery or have to pay for, is not worth changing. You are like that for a reason. Make the best out of who you are and love yourself! ♥

Freckles - Natasha Bedingfield
Covered by Jordan Pruitt

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Inner Happiness

Webster says Happiness is a feeling.
I say it's a Lifestyle.

You, and only YOU can choose to be happy. It's not up to Your friends. It's not up to your family. It's not even up to the people who give you advice. The people who look out for you can only share their views and attempt to help you out. You can choose how to look at the world.
Why do people choose to be Happy you may ask. Well, For me at least, it is because I would much rather make myself and people around me Happy instead of being a bum and a party pooper. Negativity and pooping on parties really only bring people down and it's not even attractive. Which could mean No friends and No significant other.
So to sum it up, being positive makes you happy, others happy, keeps you from pooping on parties, brings you friends and could in fact get you a Boyfriend or Girlfriend.